Wednesday 6 May 2015

I saw these Dryad's Saddle up the Welcombe Hills today

There's a common misconception that fungi are only about in the autumn. Well, the bit we call the 'mushroom' or 'fungus' - i.e. the fruiting body - is more common at that time of year. The actual organism is of course alive and well all year round and there are many that show themselves at times other than autumn.

One such is the lovely Dryad's Saddle or to use it's scientific name  polyporus squamosus (scaly polypore). If you want a detailed account of this fungus best go to Mushroom Expert the best site around.

This one was found in the woods opposite the Welcombe Hotel growing on dead ash.

On the topic of spring fungi, the tasty St George's mushroom didn't appear in it's usual location this year. Not to worry, it's been growing in my garden ever since I brought some home a few years ago. Yum yum.

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