Sunday 21 June 2015

Small Tortoiseshell…again

One of the reasons why I write this blog is to show how the common and ordinary things you can see in Rowley Fields and the Welcombe Hills can give pleasure. Plants you wouldn't want in your lawn (and probably spend a lot of time trying to get rid of) like the Black Medick or Clover can be very pleasing in places where they seem to belong.
The Meadow Brown butterfly isn't all that pretty but they do have their own beauty and when they are very much a part of the experience of walking through Rowley Fields at this time of year when they suddenly appear from out of the long grass, flutter away and disappear again.
Then, now and again something like the Small Tortoiseshell butterfly comes your way. So, no apology for posting another picture.  This one was in Rowley Fields this morning sunning itself on brambles. 

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