Saturday, 15 August 2015

I saw some Common Blue butterflies this morning

Having previously only seen one Common Blue before today I was resigned to the prospect of another poor season for these lovely creatures. We went out this morning in the sun and headed for the Clopton Park side of the hills. The intention was to try to get some pics of Treecreepers. These are small birds and can be seen mouse-like working their way over the bark  in search of food. They don't really stay still for long so seeing them isn't a problem. Photographing them is.

Anyway, we headed up the hill and we eventually stopped on one of the slopes facing the town and sat in the short grass amongst the Woolley Thistles enjoying the peace and the sunshine. That's where first one, then two and then three Common Blue butterflies settled on vetch quite close. There was one male and two females. 

 Above, female Common Blue. She doesn't have as much blue as the male (below) but more oranges and browns particularly on the upper side of the wings. I notice in the image that she has her tail curved down and on to what looks like Birds Foot trefoil. That's what she lays her eggs on and possibly that is what she was doing. 

The male has that wonderful blue colour fringed with white on the upper wings.

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